How to create and use snippets for answering the whistleblower

How to create standard answers that can be used when communicating with the whistleblower.

- How to create a snippet

Step 1. Login to the system and access the "Settings" tab

To start out we need to login to the system with our credentials at:

When logged in to the system go to the "settings" tab and afterwards choose "Case Management".


Step 2. Create your own snippets

To create a new snippet press the "+ Create" button.

Fill in the name of the snippet and what message should be sent when using the snippet.


Step 3. When you have made the snippets they're visible for you to see and edit them


- How to use your snippets

Step 1. Acces the case where you want to use the snippet and go to the communication panel.


Step 2. Press the "Snippets" button and choose the snippet you want to send.

We hope this article was helpful!
CleanShot 2024-07-16 at 13.18.04@2x

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