How to implement the 4-eye principal

The 4-eye principle is a requirement that a minimum of two individuals approve deletion of a case before it can be done. In this article we will go through how to set it up in the system.

What is the 4-eye principal?

The 4-eye principle is a requirement that a minimum of two individuals approve deletion of a case before it can be done.

Step 1. Log in to the system, access the settings menu and choose security


Step 2. Press to button to activate the system and choose how many approvals is required

When the the slider has been clicked you have activated the feature.

To choose how many users should approve the deletion, use the arrows in the side of the bar.

Remember to press save when done editing.


Step 3. How it works in action

Go to the case you want to delete and make sure that the state of the case is "Closed".

Press "Start deletion of occurence" and confirm whether you want the case to still be visible in the statistics after the deletion.

Whenever the deletion has been started you are waiting for another user to approve the deletion.

We hope this article was helpful!
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