How to set up a custom approval flow for a policy

In this article a compliance specialist will draft a "Network and information security policy", which is then sent for review and approval to the Head of Compliance.

Step 1. Login to the system and and create your approval flow 

  • Login on the compliance platform Formalize with your credentials, at:
  • Create your approval flow:
  1.  Press "Workflows" in the left hand side
  2. Select " Approval Flows"
  3.   Press "+ Create"
  4. Name your approval flow and press "Create"

Step 2. Define each step of your approval flow

  • In this example, initially, the Compliance Specialist will draft the first version of the "Network and Information Security Policy." This draft will then be submitted to the Head of Compliance for review and approval.

How to add steps to your approval flow on Formalize, compliance software

Step 4. Let's create our policy draft, press 'Compliance'-> 'Policies' and then select '+Add Policy'

Step 5. Name your policy, in this case, we will be drafting and setting an approval flow for a Network and Information Security Policy

Step 6. Add your policy details in text format or upload a pdf and save this changes


Step 7. Associate the approval flow to the  specific policy 

Step 8. Now the Head of Compliance receives a notification on their email inbox, that allows them to access the policy directly, and proceed to reviewing it

set up an approval flow for a policy on Formalize, compliance software


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by Carolina Gonçalves, Product Communication Specialist

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